Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was so much fun. The light sabers were a hit, as well as the Coast Guard legos and superhero costumes (I got some on clearance after Halloween.) It's so crazy, the entire month of December is such a whirlwind and then all of a sudden it's over. Next adventure - trip to Utah/Idaho!!

That is the scariest Incredible Hulk I've ever seen!

Kate has really been into babies lately - kissing and hugging and cuddling her little dolls. I love it!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gingerbread houses and more

My favorite is the gingerbread skyscraper (requested by Cameron.) Luckily I am married to an engineer who can pull those kinds of things off.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The reason we are not sending out Christmas cards this year...

Kate had apparently decided NOT to cooperate with me on this one :)
That's ok, there's always next year....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is the life...

This is what we do on snowy cold days. Who knows what the day will hold - maybe we'll read a book, watch some tv, play Wii. Maybe winter isn't so bad after all.

On a side note, notice Kate with the two fingers in her mouth and holding onto my hair with her other hand. She does this ALL THE TIME. Should I be concerned?

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Katie, who I miss terribly. I wish we lived closer to you guys!

Alright, I am skeptical that anybody is actually interested in this stuff, but here it goes.....

1- I love school. I always have. I would keep going if I could. So basically I am a NERD.

2- There are certain words that I CAN'T STAND - one is "nugget," also "moist," "slacks," and "stain." I don't know why, they just drive me crazy.

3- I am very prone to passing out. Just talking about things like blood and needles makes me light-headed. Luckily I have only fainted twice, I have since figured out when it is coming and have been able to lay down or put my head between my knees before blacking out.

4- Once upon a time I was a runner. It was from when I was 18 until around age 23. I would run 5-6 miles a day several times a week and I LOVED it. But I was having so many knee and foot problems that I decided my running career would have to come to an end. I really miss running, the "high" you get from running, and all the extra food I got to eat because I was burning so many calories :)

5- Since I first moved out of my house to go to college (almost 15 years ago....ugh.....) I have had 21 different addresses. I have been at my current address for 2 1/2 years, which seems like a long time!

6- When I go too long without eating, I get really really angry and short-tempered. Keith calls it "hangry" (hungry + angry, ok I probably didn't have to explain that) and he used to take granola bars wherever we went JUST IN CASE I turned hangry on him. Now he doesn't have to do that because we have kids therefore we carry extra food around all the time.

7- I once had my driver's license taken away for 30 days for reckless driving. That was a long time ago. I am a much safer driver now.

I tag all my friends who haven't updated their blogs lately......

Since I feel weird posting without at least one picture, here are some pictures riding on the train at the zoo a few weeks ago.

Look at those leaves!! Fall already seems like a distant memory to me. When is it going to be spring???

Monday, November 10, 2008

Corpse flower, anyone?

I just had to post something about this because it is so odd. I was at the Milwaukee Public Museum today and luckily for us (I guess it was lucky??) we showed up right after the corpse flower bloomed. Now what is a corpse flower, you might ask? Well here is some info on it:

"Best known for its strong putrid smell, Titan arum (corpse flower) emits an odor that has been compared with the smell of rotting flesh and can be detected from half a mile away. The odor helps the plant attract insects that carry its pollen to other titan arums, since corpse flowers can't pollinate themselves. The blooming of a titam arum has only happened about 150 times anywhere in the world."

And it really does stink!! I didn't have my camera but here is a picture of it from the museum's website, you can see from the woman standing behind it that it is HUGE - several feet tall and 2 or 3 feet across. GROSS! Connor just gave me a look like let's get the heck out of here, so we didn't stay long. The room was like 85 degrees too, whish made the "corpse" smell even worse.

Now I am guessing all of you who live outside of WI and don't get to see this are pretty jealous right now, aren't you? :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


It felt like we celebrated Halloween all month, with the pumpkin patch field trips, dress-up days at school, trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treating, pumpkin carving, pumpkin smashing, candy gorging, etc. I am kind of relieved November is finally here!

These are the pumpkins the boys picked out at their respective field trips to the pumpkin patch. They designed the faces and Keith carved them out. Spooooooky!

Ready for trick-or-treating!

Ever been winked at by a dragon?

Ahoy matey!

Cute as a bug...

Is this a trick?!? Where's the candy?

Until next year....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An apple a day...

I recently took the kids to Apple Holler, which has an apple orchard, pumpkin patch, corn maze, and a bunch of other fun things for kids to do. The kids loved it and we ended up with SO MANY apples. The following week we ate apple pie, apple crisp, caramel apples, apples and peanut butter, etc. SO YUMMY.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I told Cameron this to get him to eat up our apples and now he says it all the time.

Kate did pretty well riding in the wagon.....

and then she fell asleep which was even better (and funny to see her face planted like that). And nope those two boys aren't mine, they are Jenn Randall's kids. Thanks Ethan for pulling the wagon for me!

I can't get enough of this boy, isn't Connor the cutest thing??

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Door County in a day and a half....

We recently took a weekend trip to the much acclaimed Door County. It really is as quaint and picturesque as I imagined it would be - my pictures don't do it justice. We drove through many of the small towns - Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, to name a few.
We also....

saw two lighthouses.....

hiked on the trails and by the water....

threw rocks in the bay....

stood under a very large cow (hey, we are in Wisconsin....)

enjoyed the view.....

played at several fun playgrounds......

rode pedal carts.....

enjoyed the scenery at Cave Point (and tried not to fall in the water....)

and ate at a Swedish restaurant......that was a must for me, the restaurant had goats on the roof so we had to see it!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hooray for kindergarten!

I was a little worried at the start of the school year about a few things, like how would Cameron handle being in school ALL day? How would I handle Cameron being in school ALL day? But it's actually kind of nice sometimes to have him in school (Shhhhh...don't tell him I said that!) It's nice because then I only have two kids during the day and the house just seems that much quieter. It makes running errands a little less crazy as well, plus when we're out I don't get as many amazed looks and the comments like "Whoa, you must have your hands full!" (I've never known how to respond to that one, I always just kind of smile and say "yep, I do!" I bet this doesn't happen in Utah.....but anyway, I digress.) I love the fact that I get to spend some one on one time with Connor that we've never really had before. He is such a fun cool kid and we do a lot of fun things during the day. And then Connor has preschool for a few hours a couple days a week, and then it is just me and Kate (!!!) So yes, things are going well :)

Connor dressed up for "beach day" at his preschool. He looks forward to every Tuesday and Thursday when he gets to go to school.

Cameron's kindergarten picture. Isn't he adorable??? He was picked as student of the month for the month of September. I asked him why the teacher chose him, and he said it was for "being good and doing good stuff." So there you have it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Festivus for the rest of us

This weekend we checked out the Harvest Fest at the state fairgrounds (thanks for the heads up Lindsy!) It was a fun outing, we ate caramel apples and apple fritters, and there were a lot of fun things for the kids to do. I love this time of year....

The petting zoo was a hit (for Cameron at least.)

Kate is staring at that goat rather suspiciously....I think she is grateful to be on the other side of the fence!

Connor wasn't too into touching any of the animals - I don't blame him!

In line for one of the bouncy toys.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Kate!!

My baby is 1, I can't believe it! We just had a family party, princess-theme (at the insistence of Kate's brothers, they were fairly confident that's what she would like.....)

OK, so I'm not a pro with birthday cakes, but it works, right? You can see the spot where Kate had already attacked it :)


I bought her a doll because I just realized recently that all she has to play with are Hot Wheels and Transformers (sorry Kate!) She seemed really excited about the doll for about 2 seconds (just in time to take this picture) and then she grabbed it by the leg, tossed it across the room, and headed right back over to her FAVORITE TOY, the........

Busy Ball Popper!!! Now is that a happy kid, or what?