Thursday, October 23, 2008

An apple a day...

I recently took the kids to Apple Holler, which has an apple orchard, pumpkin patch, corn maze, and a bunch of other fun things for kids to do. The kids loved it and we ended up with SO MANY apples. The following week we ate apple pie, apple crisp, caramel apples, apples and peanut butter, etc. SO YUMMY.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I told Cameron this to get him to eat up our apples and now he says it all the time.

Kate did pretty well riding in the wagon.....

and then she fell asleep which was even better (and funny to see her face planted like that). And nope those two boys aren't mine, they are Jenn Randall's kids. Thanks Ethan for pulling the wagon for me!

I can't get enough of this boy, isn't Connor the cutest thing??


NaDell said...

YES! All your kids are adorable!
I love all the cute pics. It looks like a lot of fun to go apple picking.

threemurphygirls said...

Yay! I finally got to see your blog! Your kids are so cute, it was great to be able to see pictures of them and we are excited to come and visit soon!

lindsy said...

Kate actually fell asleep like that in the wagon?!! That's so funny. Mmmm, carmel apples sound good!

rachel said...

seriously, look at those big brown eyes!!! Reminds me of my kids. That's why I think yours are soooo cute. don't we have the cutest kids? You guys sure get out and do a lot of fun stuff.