Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to school we go

First week back to school! Cameron started the 1st grade on Tuesday and Connor started 4K (4-year-old kindergarden for you non-Wisconsinites.) Does it make me a bad mother if I say it was a glorious week??? I figure I am due for this, as the last two years I spent the first day of school crying my eyes out. I don't know what was different this year, maybe because not much is changing - Cameron is still going all day like last year, and Connor was in pre-school last year, he'll just be going more often now. So my day consists of getting Cameron out the door to the bus by about 7:40, then I have the entire morning to exercise (uh, that's my intention anyway), get showered and ready for the day. Connor eats lunch at 11 and then I drop him off at school by 11:30 and Kate and I can embark on any adventure we wish.....Target, the mall, the park, whatever we want!! And even when she starts melting down in the grocery store, I can always remind myself that it is only one child melting down, not three (yes, that has happened before...)

I think it's going to be a good year :)

Cameron right before heading out the door to catch the bus - he was SO excited to go, but not so excited to get his picture taken.....

Connor "posing" for his first-day-of-school picture. He is such a ham.

At school with his friend Kyle. He was pretty anxious for me to get going. In fact, I think his exact words were "Go away mom!" Nice.


NaDell said...

I think "Go away, Mom!" is better than the alternative hugging your legs and crying for you not to go. Always nice to have well-adjusted kids.
Enjoy your daily girl time with Kate.
Your kids are adorable.

Natalie said...

No, you're not a bad mom. I don't think I've ever cried at my boys going to school. (now, that might be bad). Cute pictures.
And I had to laugh at you checking my blog, because just last night I made it public again...ha ha!!

Alice-Anne said...

glad ALL of you are enjoying back to school! :)