Sunday, November 2, 2008


It felt like we celebrated Halloween all month, with the pumpkin patch field trips, dress-up days at school, trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treating, pumpkin carving, pumpkin smashing, candy gorging, etc. I am kind of relieved November is finally here!

These are the pumpkins the boys picked out at their respective field trips to the pumpkin patch. They designed the faces and Keith carved them out. Spooooooky!

Ready for trick-or-treating!

Ever been winked at by a dragon?

Ahoy matey!

Cute as a bug...

Is this a trick?!? Where's the candy?

Until next year....


lindsy said...

I love their costumes!! I have to tell you though it was so much fun actually trick or treating on Halloween night (Milwaukee is so weird!) Pumpkin smashing sounds like fun too!

Jen I said...

Is that your porch? Wow. You go all out. It looks awesome. I agree - I was just remembering the weird Milwaukee tradition for Halloween. Weird.

Anonymous said...

I must agree that I am grateful it is November! I love that Conner can wink! He is so cool.

emily j said...

No that is not our porch! I generally don't go too crazy on the decorating for ANY holiday.....

Sandra said...

I loved halloween too, but it's kind of nice that it's over. It was SO busy!! I'm relieved that it's November too until I start thinking of everything that happens for the holidays! Life is good. Looks like you guys had a great halloween. So did we. We miss you guys!

Ashlee Marie said...

What adorable children! SO precious.

Kate said...

I have to say that I have never been winked by a dragon, lol. All the costumes are so cute :)

Seriously... said...

very cute! i keep meaning to call you....but then I think to myself "i only have 4 minutes and I know the kids are going to start crying the second i'm on the" anyway....i just feel like we have so much to catch up on! I will call you soon. Also, i can't get you blog to work on my google reader....i don't know why!!!

Seriously... said...

oh, and what is the Milwaukee thing? Do you not trick or treat on halloween?

emily j said...

Yeah it's the weirdest thing. Every town in the area decides when you can trick-or-treat. Where we live it's the Sunday before Halloween from 4-6pm. And then there's nothing going on on Halloween. I don't get it....

Alice-Anne said...

I loved the wink by the dragon. How did you get him to do that? :) Looks like you guys had a great holiday!