Sunday, April 19, 2009


Keith's dad came for a short visit over the weekend so we decided to go to the Museum of Science and Industry (in Chicago.) It's something that has been on our to-do list since we moved here, and we had a blast. There was so much to see - trains, planes, tractors (basically heaven for 3 and 5 year old boys!!) We also saw a chick hatching which was pretty cool. Had to skip the tours there because we didn't know if the kids - particularly Kate - would sit through any of them. We finished it off with a stop at our favorite Chicago pizza place - Giordanos - for some yummy deep-dish pizza. We took a rather circuitous route back to the freeway which took us through a sketchy part of south Chicago, so I held my breath for a bit, but that just made for a good "cultural" experience I suppose (???) Next on my to-see list? The BRONZE FONZ!!


NaDell said...

Your kids are SO cute!
That museum does look fun. That's the upside of living in such a historic area. All those cool things to do.

Lisa said...

Mmmmmmm. Giordanos. Just that one word makes me salavate! My sister lives in Chicago so we went to visit and fell in love! No lie, I bought Kimball a Giordanos cheese pizza for Christmas and had them mail it to me. $60 dollars later- no joke and it was WELL worth it!!

H. said...

I LOVE Giordanos!