Friday, July 27, 2012

Wedding of the Year

When we first moved into our house I commented on how beautiful the backyard was. Beautiful enough to have a wedding reception in. Well Keith's sister was kind enough to allow us to test that theory earlier this month :)   Ha!  She asked us about a month ahead of time and we were so excited to have the excuse to get the yard and the house all spruced up.  It was a busy month to say the least but everything went off well and I am so happy for Janelle and her new husband Eric.  

Nieces Kenna and Kylie outside the temple

The bride and groom!

Awesome picture taking sister-in-laws

A few brothers thrown into that one - I love Janelle's smile!

Kate and Kenna greeting guests as they arrived for the reception

My cousin's wife made the cake. It turned out really well.

A good time was had by all.....

well except maybe for this cutie pie :)